Ethical statement
Submission of a manuscript to CP Journal implies that the paper has not been published before (except in abstract form or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its publication is approved by all authors and, tacitly or explicitly, by the responsible authorities where the research work was conducted. To acknowledge this, the corresponding author will submit to the technical editor the Declaration of authenticity completed and signed.
The author(s) are fully responsible for the quality of their contribution (with regard to content and layout). It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers submitted to Cultural Perspectives Journal are written with ethical standards in mind, concerning plagiarism. Please note that all submissions are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. Any paper which shows obvious signs of plagiarism will be automatically rejected. The authors will receive proper notification if such a situation arises. If an attempt at plagiarism is found in a paper already published, the authors will be asked to issue a written apology to the authors of the original material, and the paper will be removed from the journal database. For the print version of a subsequently detected plagiarized paper, there will be a mention in the following issue and a written apology to the authors of the original material.
The “Instructions for Authors” should also be followed exactly. The editorial committee will referee all papers to check that they conform to the editorial standards. The decision of accepting the paper will be communicated to the author(s) within two weeks from the moment of submission. Papers not conforming to the present instructions will be granted another week for coping with editorial standards. Unless this condition is met, the paper will be rejected and the authors notified about this decision.
During the process of double-blind review, neither the reviewers nor the authors are in contact at any time. All communication is mediated by the subject editor who collects the review charts from each reviewer, together with the comments made directly on the manuscript (if that is the case). His/her role is to further submit these observations to the author with recommendations to make all necessary changes. After the reviewing process has been completed and the final form of the paper agreed upon by both authors and editorial board, all authors must sign the pre-publication agreement.
Declaration of authenticity document for download
After publication, each author will receive the article(s) electronically in PDF format to the mail address indicated. Depending on the funding obtained for the printed edition, authors might also receive one copy in this format (delivered to the postal address as indicated by each corresponding author).
Pre-publication agreement document for download